Monday, November 29, 2010

Soda...why it's bad

 As you know..the food that causes obesity is junk food, food that carries lots of fat and sugar and just isn't good for you. And one of the foods that can make you obese is soda! Soda carries so much sugar and once you drink it, you just can't stop drinking it until you can or bottle is all out! And, I had also heard on the radio that soda is a special kind of can somehow surpass your immune system and that means even if you drink a lot of it, you still won't be full. So...even if you have a big party, do what my family does and just get yummy juice instead! :)

P.S. : I just wanted to say that Priya is having a giveaway on her for a $65 gift card to use at CSN stores! For more info, click on this link. Thanks!

P.P.S. : I also hope you like the new layout...I tried to make it sort of a mellow Christmas theme.


  1. Hi Apoorva!

    How true! I remember once I drank like, 3 cups of Pepsi at once, and my tummy was bloated. I promised myself I'll never drink soft drinks again except isotonic sport drinks. Hahaha. I still prefer fruit juices.

    Kudos to you for writing this post! :)


  2. Heehee, very true, and soda can stunt your growth too. I have a friend who drank several cans of soda every day, and she's barely 5 feet at 15 years old. :)

  3. Thanks for the comments Gloson and Priya! :)
